As at 30 June 2022 our total membership was 660, an increase of 22 since last year even after a purging of unpaid memberships.

We have approximately 160 berths available to members with 106 currently allocated. We have had three berths come available for various reasons on the Floating Marina and these have been snapped up very quickly.
The floating Marina is still receiving much accolade from both users and outside observers. There is always movement in demand for moorings, and the past season has seen different boats come and go.
Harbour Warden
John Hefford is our current harbour warden, and is doing a great job.
If you have a boat moored in the harbour, and cannot attend to it during high lake levels, please notify John on cellphone 027 224 5694 and he can keep an extra eye on it.
Please check your mooring ropes regularly for decay, as most of the newer polypropylene ropes do not last many seasons in the Fiordland climate. A twice yearly inspection by moored boat owners is a MUST!!
Harbour / Marina Casual Keys
Committee member Iain Campbell from Te Anau Photo Centre, 62 Town Centre, Te Anau 9600. Phone; 03 249 7620 is the point of contact for casual hires, replacement keys and a Te Anau point to pay subscriptions if you have left home ‘forgetting’ to pay your subscriptions. Iain and his wife Sheree, collect an amazing amount of funds on the Clubs behalf and are often the first point of contact for ‘new’ boaties to our area and Club.
Iain’s services and facilities are greatly appreciated by the club, and Iain has produced a great
booklet on moorings and hazards for those cruising the lake that he sells along with many
other items in his shop. Well worth a visit.
As per other years, this is always ongoing and the same trio of Committee members- Russell McDonald, Bill Randall and Bob Crawford have again stepped up, using their own equipment, (costly sometimes) to tackle whatever concrete, tree, post, mooring pole, etc needs replaced or repaired. Remember if you see something at the harbour that needs fixed or repaired, don’t be shy to step in and do it or direct myself, or the committee’s attention to it. Amongst the jobs tackled by the trio of ‘retirees’ this year has been the preparation and painting of the poles that hold the floating jetties in place and on the completion, the fitting of the white ‘witches hats’ to the top of the poles. This has really smartened things up and creates a finished look to all our jetties. Have a look at these poles and caps and think “would you be up at that height at 70+ years of age”
New ramp and walkway
Another very successful project completed to a very high standard. This new ramp, walkway and associated retaining walls has already seen a lot of use and we have received lots of very positive feedback.
It would be remiss of me not to thank the main contractors involved, who go the extra distance for us. David Smith and Brian Hamilton from Te Anau Earthworks and Russell Maher from Metalworks and their staff are all ‘specialists’ in their field and we are so lucky to have them here in Te Anau to undertake our work at super competitive prices to our club. As business operators, they go the extra distance to make and create the various components for the projects and their eye for detail and quality of work is unsurpassed. And they are all club members as well. Again the three ‘retirees’ and myself were heavily involved and it gives me a lot of satisfaction to design and create a project like this by ourselves, using our own old trades and ‘common sense’. Our original budget back in June 2021 was $94,000.00 but with extra work including professionals laying all the concrete ramp, the new steel sheet piling wall and associated tie backs and extras to the walkway, the final cost is $129,000.00. We believe this is a great result for a project of this size and quality.

The statement of Financial Performance for the year shows a net surplus of $37,561, up approximately $13,000 on the previous year due mostly to an increase in subscriptions and moorings. As mentioned, the Floating Marina is returning $22,400 per annum with $9,375 of this repaying the interest-free loan back to Community Trust South. There are 5 annual payments left to make on this loan. As at balance date we had $140,000 of net funds on hand, very similar to last year.
For one of this years projects, the committee is on the look out for a quality 20 foot container to have on-site to store all the various gear that is scattered around committee members sheds. Perhaps situated by the maintenance jetty trailer park, close to power and water with suitable racking, a bench and vice and some quality ladders etc. This would enable the current and future committee members access to safe suitable equipment, instead of having to bring their own OLD, and in some cases sub-standard gear, along on trailers every time. Again we would have to consult with the new SDC ‘Facilities Managers’ about this and we are also corresponding re the renewal of our Lease for another 33 years plus. Great having Chris Shaw back as Secretary for the Club and at our Committee Meetings. Chris’s knowledge of our club is at the very least ‘extensive’ and his many years of attending meetings and AGM’s gives him a formidable knowledge of our goings on.
In accordance to the rules; at this AGM:
• Chris McKenzie, Bill Randle and Paul Ruddenklau
Retire by rotation. Chris and Bill offer themselves for re-election, and have all been excellent Committee members. We require one new Committee Member.
Again I offer myself for re-election as your President.
Vice President Russell McDonald and I work really well as a team together. I still have plenty of enthusiasm for our club and I am still happy to put in the many hours needed behind the scenes to keep the club functioning on an even keel.
We are a unique club, with a very strong membership that offers our members the cheapest facilities in the country bar none, and we will fight for that for our future generations to enjoy.
Rodger Cunninghame